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Riverside County Employment Lawyers / Temecula Paycheck Deductions & Reimbursements Lawyer

Temecula Paycheck Deductions & Reimbursements Lawyer

Though the issue may seem less important than other state employment and wage laws, employers have strict duties regarding adjustments to an employee’s pay. The California Labor Code requires companies to reimburse employees for expenses incurred in connection with job-related duties, and it includes specific rules regarding deductions from wages. Unfortunately, not all organizations understand or comply with the law. When they violate statutes on paycheck deductions and reimbursements, employers take money out of their workers’ pockets.

Employees do have legal remedies for employer misconduct, but pursuing them is a challenging process. At Sloat Law Group, our lawyers are well-versed in the laws and experienced in developing strategies for obtaining your rightful pay. Please contact our firm to speak to a Temecula paycheck deductions & reimbursements lawyer. You can contact us to learn about how employment laws apply to your situation, though a summary is also informative.

Payroll Requirements Under California Labor Code

By law, an employer must reimburse an employee for all necessary and reasonable expenditures the worker incurs in connection with performing job-related tasks. As a result, you may be entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses, business use of a personal cell phone, costs for a work uniform, entertaining associates, training, and education costs, and many other expenditures.

Closely associated with reimbursements are deductions from pay. California law states that all earned wages are the property of the employee, so it is wage theft for an employer to make unauthorized deductions. Under the statute, only certain deductions are lawful, including:

  • Those required or allowed under US or California law, such as taxes;
  • Amounts the employee expressly authorizes to cover health insurance or designated medical costs;
  • Garnishments pursuant to a court order; and
  • Deductions authorized as pension contributions through a collective bargaining or wage agreement.

Employee Remedies for Unlawful Conduct

If your employer made illegal deductions or refused to reimburse you for covered expenditures, you have grounds to file a wage claim with the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE). Officials will investigate and may schedule a settlement conference for the employee and employer to work out disputes. Alternatively, you might opt to sue your employer through a private lawsuit.

Sloat Law Group team will be at your side during administrative proceedings, but we are equally prepared to initiate litigation to enforce your rights. Our Temecula paycheck deductions and reimbursements attorneys will seek:

  • Back pay covering amounts that were not reimbursed OR deducted illegally;
  • Waiting time penalties for unlawful deductions from a final paycheck; and,
  • Legal costs you incur to enforce your rights.

Contact a Temecula Paycheck Deductions and Reimbursements Lawyer Today

Knowing your rights as an employee is important, but you will need skilled legal representation to pursue your employer for wrongdoing. Our team at Sloat Law Group will assist with all stages of the legal process to ensure you receive full compensation for your losses. Please contact our firm at 760-779-1313 today to talk with a paycheck deductions and reimbursements attorney.

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