At Sloat Law Group, we are committed to equipping employers with the knowledge and resources they need to stay compliant with all applicable labor laws, and to guide those who may need to get back on track. We understand the complexities of labor laws, and our goal for this Employer Resources tab is to simplify that process by putting some necessary tools and information in one convenient place for you.
The following links provide information and forms to help employers comply with government requirements for hiring, maintaining personnel documents and files, reporting, posting, conducting terminations/separations, and handling miscellaneous issues. Please call our office with any questions you may have about these Resources.
Employer Resources
Check out our In the News section to Stay Up-to-Date on Labor & Employment Law. Check out our links to critical company policies:
New Employee Hiring Packet (Documents the Government Requires for All Employees):
Forms Employees Need to Complete at Hiring:
- W-4 form – Employee Withholding
- W-4 form – Employee Withholding (Spanish)
- EDD Withholding Allowance Certificate
- EDD Withholding Allowance Certificate (Spanish)
- DWC FORM 9783 – Personal Physician/Chiropractor Pre-Designation Form
- DWC FORM 9783 – Personal Physician/Chiropractor Pre-Designation Form (Spanish)
- DWC Form 9783.1 – Notice of Personal Chiropractor or Personal Acupuncturist
- DWC Form 9783.1 – Notice of Personal Chiropractor or Personal Acupuncturist (Spanish)
Forms Employers Need to Complete for All New Hires (And Provide to Workers, as Applicable):
- Notice to Employees (Labor Commissioner) under Labor Code section 2810.5
- Notice to Employees (Labor Commissioner) under Labor Code section 2810.5 (Spanish)
- Unemployment Insurance: File Claims, Payment Information, General Information
- EDD Form DE-34 – Report of New Employees
- I-9 – Current form recommended for use by USCIS
- I-9 Instructions
- I-9 – Current form recommended for use by USCIS (Spanish)
- I-9 Instructions (Spanish)
- Workers’ Compensation Information, including Time of Hire Pamphlet
- Workers’ Compensation Information, including Time of Hire Pamphlet (Spanish)
- DE 542 – Report of Independent Contractor (must also include written Contractor Agreement) (if applicable)
Employee Resources the Company Gives to All Employees Upon Hire, or Includes on Posters:
- Form DE 2515- Disability Insurance Pamphlet
- Form DE 2515- Disability Insurance Pamphlet (Spanish)
- Form DE 2565 – Disability Insurance Elective Coverage
- Form DE 2565 – Disability Insurance Elective Coverage (Spanish)
- Form DE 2320 – California’s Programs for the Unemployed
- Form DE 2320 – California’s Programs for the Unemployed (Spanish)
- Paid Family Leave Pamphlet DE 2511
- Paid Family Leave Pamphlet DE 2511 (Spanish)
- CRD-185-ENG – Sexual Harassment: Fact Sheet
- CRD-185-SP – Sexual Harassment: Fact Sheet (Spanish)
- DE 1857A – Labor Law Posting
- DE 1857A – Labor Law Posting (Spanish)
- DE 1857D- Labor Law Posting
- DE 1857D- Labor Law Posting (Spanish)
- DE 1858- Labor Law Posting
- DE 1858- Labor Law Posting (Spanish)
- Notice to Employees DE 71 (Informs employees that their employer must send W-4 or DE 4 to FTB)
- Notice to Employees DE 71 (Spanish)
- Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking (for employers with 25 or more employees)
- Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking (Spanish) (for employers with 25 or more employees)
Termination Documents (Employer Must Provide These Upon Any Separation, Termination, Resignation, or Layoff):
Miscellaneous Resources Regarding Recent Labor Law Updates:
- Bereavement Leave FAQ;
- Discrimination in Employment: Use of Cannabis FAQ; and
- Leave from work after a Reproductive Loss – Fact sheet.
Required Employer Posters From the California Civil Rights Department (CRD)*:
- CA Law Prohibits Discrimination Poster
- CRD-E07P-ENG – California Employment Discrimination
- CRD-E07P-SP- California Employment Discrimination (Spanish)
- CRD-100-21ENG – Family Care and Medical Leave (CFRA Leave) and Pregnancy Disability Leave
- CRD-100-21SP – Family Care and Medical Leave (CFRA Leave) and Pregnancy Disability Leave (Spanish)
- CRD-185P-ENG – Sexual Harassment Poster from CRD
- CRD-185P-SP – Sexual Harassment Poster from CRD (Spanish)
- CRD-E04P-ENG – Transgender Rights in the Workplace (mandatory January 1, 2018)
- CRD-E04P-SP – Transgender Rights in the Workplace (mandatory January 1, 2018) (Spanish)
- CRD-E09P-ENG – Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee
- CRD-E09P-SP – Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee (Spanish)
* These required posters are offered in additional languages on the CRD website.
Required Posters by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR)
- Whistleblowers Notice
- Notice to Employees – Injuries Caused by Work
- Healthy Workplaces/Heathy Families Act: California Paid Sick Leave
Human Trafficking Posters Required for Those Employers Specified in the Instructions Below:
Miscellaneous Employment Forms:
- Notice re: federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) (Must be provided within one week of providing an annual wage summary, including a Form W-2 or a Form 1099, to any worker).
- The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) (With a plant closing or mass layoff, provide this notice in writing 60 days before taking the action)
- Piece-Rate Legislation Fact Sheet
- Employers must post this Notice within 72 hours of being notified by an immigration agency that it is inspecting a company’s I-9 forms or other employment records.
- Employers must post this Notice within 72 hours of being notified by an immigration agency that it is inspecting a company’s I-9 forms or other employment records. (Spanish)