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What Businesses In Riverside County Need To Know About Employing Minors This Summer


A summer job is a right of passage for many teenagers. It can be a great way for young people to build a work ethic, gain new skills, and make some money in the process. With summer approaching, many businesses and organizations in Riverside County may be considering hiring teenagers as part-time staff. Employers must comply with state and federal child labor regulations. In this article, our Riverside County employment lawyers explain the key things businesses and organizations should know about hiring minors in California.

Virtually All Minors in California Need a State Permit to Work 

As the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) explains, virtually all minors seeking employment must obtain a state-issued work permit. The regulation aims to protect young workers, ensuring they receive proper education, maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life, and stay safe in the workplace. The permit application process requires the collaboration of the minor, their parent or guardian, and the prospective employer. An employer should  complete and submit the following forms:

  • Statement of Intent to Employ a Minor and
  • Request for a Work Permit Certificate of Age 

California has Work Limits in Place-Based on a Minor’s Age 

The work hours for minors in California vary based on their age and whether school is in session. A minor who has not completed 7th grade generally cannot work in California. Here is an overview:

  • 16 and 17: For 16- and 17-year-olds, can work 4 hours on school days and 8 hours on non-school days. Overnight work is not permitted. Work should be between 5:00 AM and 10:00 PM on most days. A 16 or 17 year old can work a full-time (40 hour) schedule in the summer.
  • 14 and 15: For 14- and 15-year-olds, can work 3 hours on school days and 8 hours on non-school days. Minors in this age group are limited to working 18 hours per week. They are limited to working between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM over the summer.

Employers Hiring Minors Should Know Industry-Specific Limitations on Duties 

Beyond hour restrictions, there are laws about what a minor can and cannot do in the workplace. Duty restrictions vary by industry. Employers hiring minors must be aware of industry-specific limitations on duties to ensure the safety and well-being of young workers. As an obvious example, minors cannot serve alcohol to patrons. As another example, minors cannot operate heavy machinery or work with hazardous chemicals. Employers should familiarize themselves with federal and state regulations governing youth employment.

 Contact Our Riverside County Employment Attorneys Today

At Sloat Law Group, our California employment lawyer provides workplace solutions to businesses and organizations. If you have any specific questions about hiring a minor as a summer employee, we are here as a legal resource. Contact us right away to arrange your confidential consultation. Our firm serves communities throughout Riverside County.



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